What about Goa?

It's been a bit since I have posted. I have been super busy. Trying to finish polishing Electro Christmas II, and getting ready for Rock U Fest. Things have been actually flowing pretty darn well with getting things totally ready, and the tracks worked on. There is still some recording to be done, but that should go by with a breeze. The whole set up has changed gear wise with the guitars, and I have down sized to a minimal rig. Off with the fx consoles, and 4x12. Now just my tube head, a couple pedals, and a 1x12" I customized. I actually dig the sound a lot better.


The new tracks I am working on that will be on Not Safe For Cheap Speakers have quite a bit of flamenco influence in them which is something I have been wanting to incorporate into songs for awhile because I do truly love playing it.


Well time to roll. I have to keep working on things to make sure they're ready.

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