Wentzville R-IV School District Letting Parents Down Pt. 2

So now we are on to the 2nd blog of several about issues going in Wentzville R-IV School  District.


Now the Wentzville R-IV School District prides its self on be a safe bully, and violence free school district. When all reality this is a facade, and a lie. Here are examples.

A child who was color blind, has autistic traits,  epilepsy, and was in special ed classes was picked on, and harassed for 2 years. The parents called, and reported it time, and time again. Talking with both student counselors, teachers, and principals and nothing was ever done. It took one of the parents informing the Assistant Principal Mr. Brian Clemons of South Middle School that if the situation was not resolved immediately that the parent would not only file legal action, but the Epilepsy Foundation would be contacted, it would be made very public that for over 2 years the school has been informed of this bullying going on, and yet ended up never doing anything, and the parents would consider filing criminal action against the several students who regularly bullied this child.


The child was bullied so much that they would spend a lot of time at the nurses office, or say they had to use the restroom to be away from the kids bullying them. The child would beg to stay home from school, and had even stated if they can stay home they'll clean the entire house so they don't have to be around the kids bullying them. The child was shoved regularly, told how they were a loser, nobody liked them, and they just need to go away. The child was pinned against a wall during PE, and was being choked by another student and the PE teachers did nothing, kids would throw stuff at him when he wasn't looking.    


It got to the point from being picked on that the child would sit out in the hallway during lunch, and not even eat. It got to the point of being so bad during lunch that one day when the child was sitting in the hallway another student came up, and threw a cup full of a sports drink all over the student, and the faculty did nothing. Mr. Clemons  was standing right there when the parents came up to bring the child a different shirt, and bring him home, and told the secretary they're taking him home because another student threw something all over him, and nobody had done anything or even contacted them. That the child had to text their parents from their own personal cell phone to let them know what happened. Mr. Clemons smiled, looked at the secretary, and said "Is this upcoming track game a home game or away game?". After the secretary answered him he walked into his office, never even acknowledging that the parents were standing there even though he was less then 2 feet away from them, and had heard the entire conversation they had with the secretary. 

The parents after talking with teachers, principals, student counselors, and other faculty for 2 years and not getting the school to step in and stop the bullying. Which again that Wentzville School District brags about how they're a bully free, and violence free school district (I forgot to mention about the bomb threats, and threats of violent attacks on schools they had last year). For their own child's safety, and well being have pulled the child from the school district, and are having him home schooled since the school would do nothing to help this child that had been bullied for over 2 years. Rack another one up for the Wentzville R-IV School District letting parents down yet again.  

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