Urgent Update!

     Okay this is a special blog to update everyone on what went on last week. Well a couple days ago. I had been having problems for a few weeks with my gallbladder. We had some tests done a couple weeks ago that show it was acting up, I was going to have to get a couple more tests done, and get it possibly removed. Well it started hurting worse on Wednesday. Come Thursday morning I woke up in severe pain, and unable to stop throwing up. The medicine they gave me to keep me from throwing up was doing nothing. I was rushed to the hospital Thursday morning. They ran a bunch of tests that were actually quite painful to say the least. To the point my eyes were watering the test hurt so bad. They were unable to give me any pain medication until after the tests. Mind you I went to the hospital at 8 in the morning, and was unable to get any type of pain medicine until 4 in the afternoon. After all the tests were ran they found out that over night my gallbladder had gone from acting up too only working at 27% of what it was supposed to which is what put me in so much pain. They thought from some of the other tests that I was having more problems with my stomach also. i was admitted to a room. The first doctor came in, talked to me, and told me that they were doing a scope first thing in the morning. Afterwards the surgeon came in, told me my gallbladder was being removed, and that I would go directly from the scope into surgery. Pretty much about the time I started waking up from the anesthesia from the scope they were knocking me back out for the surgery. I am back home now, but won't be able to really pick up a guitar for a few days so I will be doing more programming, and promoting the next few days. Well I will post the weekly blog in a couple days. Never give in, never give up.

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