Two Week Challenge & More

     Okay I am starting this blog off a bit different. I am starting this one off with a challenge to YOU, and all my friends (you're not fans your friends). I challenge you for the next two weeks do a random act of kindness each day to a stranger. Just a simple random act of kindness opening a door for someone, helping someone pick something up they dropped, giving the person behind you a grocery cart before you grab yours. It doesn't matter, but some sort of random act of kindness each day to a total stranger for two weeks. Then look, and see what kind of difference it has made. I don't know how many of you will be up for this challenge or how many will actually take it on, but I hope the majority of you do.
     Things have been hectic. Trying to get stuff recorded with 3 projects going on at once is interesting to say the least, but I am working with it. I am trying to hit some studio recording up next Wednesday or Thursday so I can finally get a new track to you guys since everything has been chaotic. Seems like things have been going from one health thing or surgery to another. So I am working hard at playing catch up. Being quick, but not hasty. I am putting a lot more detail into these tracks then I have in a long time. It is all an interesting process. You develop an idea in your mind, and bit by bit you get to see it develop more, and more. Then when it is finally complete you see the birth of the full project that has all started with one little simple sound or idea stuck in your head that you just had to get out. In a sense a musical child being developed, and born. To take something small, and create something big out of it is an addictive experience, and the challenge is a bit of a rush as things come together more, and more. It's a little like painting I guess you could say. You get an idea in your head, start with one little stroke, and build it from there until the canvas is filled, and the painting is finished. For now I am off to get back to working on more music stuff. Never give in, never give up.

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