New Things Coming!

      I have had a few people want to know why I make the blogs personal instead of just sticking strictly on music stuff. Well, I add some personal stuff for a reason instead of just talking about nothing but music. I share a side of me because I want you guys to see, and know I am real. A real person with a real life. Not just somebody who only wants their fans to know strictly about music. I share a side of me so I can relate with all my fans which in all reality are just like friends. I am more than just a song or music. I am a real person. Why not share some to show you guys I am real? My music is a personal, and emotional part of me. So why not share a part of that? I am a person, I am real, and I am just like any other person walking down the street even though I have lived a messed up life, and live with several disabilities.

       The writing process on the new tracks has been moving along. I am doing some remixes of quite a few Christmas songs on the side for fun, but have been working on all new songs. One is dedicated to my father, and best friend who shot himself 10 months after my dad was killed. Another one is dedicated to children who have lost their battle with epilepsy, and those children who are still fighting the battle against it. I am also working on some remixes of my friend from across the pond ifunkus tracks. He makes some cool tracks, and also gets on the decks, and throws down old school style. It was pretty cool that in one of his recent sets he even gave me a shout out. All the new tracks are running at 140 bpm which is the standard trance, and techno speeds. There is a lot more detail going into every track from the drum programming, which I am not making the drums overly complex this time, to each note done on the synth, and every note played on the guitar. I am a perfectionist when it comes to my music, and it is hard for me to be pleased with what I do. This time I am working it from the ground up, and back again just to make sure it's the sound I hear in my head when I create the song, and it evokes the emotion, feeling, and story or meaning that is behind each track.

       Things have been kind of crazy with the moving, and everything going on. Next week I should hopefully get back into the routine of music stuff. Moving, and planning your wedding all within a couple weeks of each other can really be time consuming, and stressful. The stress part of it has actually started to surpass for the most part. Now it is just getting everything done.

       Once things calm down it will be back on track with the getting the new tracks going, and I will be adding something a bit different with the blog besides the weekly post. A little added extra something for those of you who are into music, would like to know more about music in general, or are trying to figure out how things work with music.

                             For now keep your chin up, and remember. Never give in, never give up.

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