My fans, my friends and ADHD

You know I have been super busy lately.  Working on some new tracks that I'm going to be demoing at Rock U Fest, working on getting everything taken care for Electro Christmas II, and trying to get all the new studio gear set up. I most importantly have my family responsibilities that come before all else. I saw some of the latest comments on my Motivation page, and I must say guys that comments I have got, and e-mails makes me smile non stop. I love hearing back from you guys, and it makes me smile hearing how some of you guys are effected by what I have written.  You guys are what keeps me putting music out to the public, and performing out in public. It is great to hear that just reading something has made a change. My fans, my friends you guys are so awesome.


Subject change now. I recently started treatment for ADHD. Which is kind of messed up. I always got hit for yelled at by my mom when my dad wasn't home, and after he was killed for getting stuff or getting distracted. I would lose focus on things, or forget the simplest things. I was always told that's who I am, and I did it on purpose along with a lot of other crappy abusive stuff as to why I did it. Since my wife, and I first reconnected after losing touch with each other years ago she started telling me I needed to get checked for ADHD, and treated for it. Mind you I never really believe in the whole ADHD thing. I had a cousin who they said had it really bad, but I always just thought he was a bully, and jerk growing up. The one day I actually sw something that made me rethink my thoughts on it. I very close friend of mines son went to stay the weekend with his dad. My friend had told me her son had ADD, but I never really believed it. I was there when he came back from his dad's house which he hadn't taken his medicine at all while he was at his dad's house. The drastic difference was shocking. He couldn't sit still, and would actually start fidgiting real bad, and couldn't even focus on talking to his mom for more then 30 seconds. I had been around her son a lot, and never scene this side of him. Just the total difference in everything was shocking. That changed my thought on it a lot. So on with the story. A couple weeks ago I finally went to the doctor to get tested. Mind you I can pace for hours of in many random thoughts. I can't still worth a damn, and even when playing on stage I would have to keep reminding myself to pay attention to what I was doing instead of seeing what someone across the room was doing or look at something I just saw out of the corner of my eye. My doctor had me take a test that I partially filled out, and the rest was from examination they did. Mind you the test went from 1 to 100 with 100 being no doubt you have severe ADHD. As it ends up I scored a 99 out of 100 on the test. So the doctor decided to start me on a prescription. I started taking the medicine, and I must say I have greatly noticed a difference. My wife no longer has to every 2 minutes tell me to stop bouncing my legs. I can sit still, and eat dinner with my family without getting jittery because I am having to sit still, I can sit down and work on music stuff and focus perfectly on what I am doing instead of being distracted by random thoughts such as what shirts did I was, what I was eating for dinner, what the price of organic chicken will be when I go to the meat market. I am serious too these are things that would be running through my head as I am trying to work out riffs, drums, or synth pieces. I can sit down, and read a book for more then 5 minutes which I can say the last time I did that was years ago, and before that I was a child the last time I did that. It is insane being able to sit still, and work on stuff and not feel the need to get up and pace or lose focus. I am able to get so much more done in a shorter amount of time it's insane. So if you think ADHD is a made up thing I personally did my entire life until I finally went to get tested, and started being treated. From a skeptic to other skeptics. It is a real thing, and I have found out with my personal self. For now I am out.

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