Losing some noise

You know sometimes you just have to sit down, and see what you really want in life. I had a very chaotic year with a lot of curve balls thrown in, but through it all it has made me sit down and decide what I want in my life. I went to a fellow church member's funeral over the summer, several weddings, and performed at a large event for Vets. On top of spending a lot of time in prayer, and reading scripture I listened to what Hod, and these people had to say. Sometimes you get so overwhelmed trying to do what you think you should or want to do, but you're doing the total opposite. We end up making our lives so complicated, and stressful with noise we do not need. It's like young or inexperienced musicians wanting to put every last thing into a song you know 30 guitar tracks, 16 bass tracks, and 32 sperate kick drums with 40 snarea. They get so excited they over complicated the track and it is filled with noise. Some of my best performing songs, and ones people tell me they enjoy the most are some of the simplest ones I have some with only 3 to 8 tracks at tops. Sometimes you need more, and sometimes you need less, but never go with more then what you need or sounds good. Just as in life. Make your life simple, and don't add more then you need. I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off, and was miserable and exhausted. So I sat down prayed about it, and really thought about what I'd heard said. At that point I knew that I had taken on more then my share, and it was effecting everything. I was having a hard time getting in the studio, hunting, taking care of crops, sleeping, heck even being at home. I got rid of a lot of noise, and am still widdling the excessive tracks if you will out, and make things simpler, and less stressful. Because how can you truly think, and accomplish something when there is always some sort of noise going on. Anyway back on track, and trying to get caught up in the studio and launch some more videos. Much love to all you gus, and God bless.

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