Emergency Room, E.R. Doctors & Urgent Medical Stuff

       I figured I would start a different weekly blog then the one i already had typed up for the past week. For over 3 weeks I had been having problems with pain on the right side of my stomach that wrapped around to my spine on my right side. About a week ago it started spreading up into my right chest making it a little uncomfortable to breath. All along it had made me nauseated, so my appetite was very slim. Last Wednesday night it started getting very worse. Come Thursday morning the spine spread up my right back all the way up to my right shoulder, and I threw up 9 times in less then 15 minutes. I was rushed to the hospital to where they ran some very painful test that they were unable to give me pain meds after until all of them had been completed. Mind you I got to the hospital at 8:30am, and was unable to get anything for pain until 4:00pm. My Gallbladder had been acting up the past couple weeks apparently, and we had talked about it possibly being removed. Well after all these tests they scheduled me first an emergency scope, and emergency Gallbladder removal surgery first thing the following morning because it had dropped from acting up the past few weeks to in one night going from acting up to working at only 27%. Which was cool they were on top of it.

       Here is where things really upset me. Just a few days before I was in the Emergency Room for pretty much the same pain going on. The E.R. doctor that night was a total jerk. The first thing he did when he came into my room was start going off on me about pill shopping, and trying to get narcotic pills, and pain meds. Mind you I was told to go to the E.R. if things didn't get better or get worse which in fact they had started to do. He ran no tests, but drug tests on me, and then discharged me. When I saw another doctor, and told them this they were highly upset. They could not in fact believe that the other doctor did no tests, and thought I was pill shopping. So they ran an ultrasound, and realized from its results it needed to come out which the doctor who thought I was pill shopping would have run that regular routine test he would have saw the same thing. Mind you what makes it even more interesting is that if the doctor who thought I was pill shopping would have looked at my pill prescription list he would have saw I had no need to pill shop. I am on Class III to Class V narcotics for different health problems. They do not get me messed up, and I do not abuse them. I used to drink a bit, and now on rare occasion might have a beer or a mixed drink. What I don't understand how people can enjoy or function on a daily basis being messed up on any type of drug on a daily basis. I cannot think clearly, or even do things properly when I have to take stronger then usual pain meds. I do not like how it makes me feel, and don't know how people could enjoy being like that all the time. If the doctor would have actually looked at my chart or taken 2 seconds to just chat, and get to know me rather then just go off on me, and walk out of the room things might have been different.

       What makes it more messed up is just days after him acting like
that, and saying those things I am getting set up for emergency surgery, and an emergency scope. They literally took me from the scope room directly to the operating room. I wish I could have just seen that doctor for a little bit that day, and said "See if you would have actually listened to your patient. Which you're supposed to do. Instead of acting like you know everything just because you are a doctor you could have helped prevent these things from turning into life, and death emergencies."
       After I was discharged from the hospital from all the surgeries, and stuff the next day I was back in the E.R. I was having a hard time breathing, it hurt to breath again, I was dizzy, light headed, and in pain. The doctor that was supposed to see me pokes his head in the room. Talks to me for a couple seconds, and then informs me I am just suffering from anxiety. Well Yes I know I suffer from anxiety, and panic attacks. I am already on meds for it, and that is why I get nervous doing interviews, an quite after I finish playing on stage. Though I can get on stage, and play guitar in front of 1,000 people with no problems. Get me off stage, and not talking about guitars or my son, and I get real quite and shy. Well the doctor ended up giving me some pain pills for anxiety. Which didn't do much at all to say the least.

       Well not even 24 hours later I am back in the E.R. yet again. I had stool that was pure blood, in severe pain, light headed, dizzy, very weak, exhausted, and in 1 hour puked up blood 30 times (yes 30 times within an hour). Now they are no totally sure what is going on. I have been totally been cut off from food, and liquid. Even water. I guess now they are going to take me serious especially since Angie (my girlfriend) start chewing people's butt, and standing up to people hardcore along with telling them they needed to do their jobs. I will keep you guys updated as I find more, and probably type more blogs this week as more goes on. Always remember. Never give in, never give up.

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