A Bit Of A Miracle

      Well I found some very interesting news out a couple weeks after playing the first annual Rock U Fest. I was have had some back and knee problems in the past, but the day after the show I could barely even get out of bed let alone get up, and play in front of my church Sunday morning. I went to the doctor a couple days later they took some x-rays then called me back in to follow up. My doctor looked at me, and said "I do not know how you are still able to walk. You should not be walking with your back problems. Have you put any thought into being in a wheelchair?". The thought never crossed my mind. I have had some messed up back pain since I broke my back the first time in 2002, but learned to live with it even more after I rebroke it in 2003. You learn to live with the pain, and keep going. I wasn't going to let a doctor try, and tell me I had to be in a wheelchair. So the doctor sends me over to a physical therapist. The lady looks at my charts and me. Then says "How are you able to walk.". Pretty much you learn to live with pain, and overcome it. I am not going to let my son see his father give up, and be in a wheelchair because he wanted to give up fighting, and it would make it very hard to perform for you my wonderful fans if I was in a wheelchair also. I have to much to do, and going to to just give up on things like that in life. You keep fighting and never give in.
     On the flip side I do have a couple killer shows lined up next month which I hope some of my awesome fans can make it out to. One will be at Lemmons, and the other at The Sci-Fi Lounge. Don't forget that I donate a portion of everything I make to The Epilepsy Foundation. Have a great week!!!!

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